Help stop co2 burning

From Mirror Swarm
Revision as of 09:18, 6 January 2020 by Jowan (talk | contribs)
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Each day, sunshine on Earth warms the surface. That heat should get back into space as an infra-red glow.

Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because it easily absorbs infra-red and traps some of that heat in the atmosphere. The more absorption of heat, the more the atmosphere warms and the more heat is spread back to the ground and ocean. The effects are called global warming.

Most of the energy we harvest today comes from burning valuable non-renewable fossil fuels. Most carbon dioxide is made by that burning.

The Mirror Swarm brings energy to replace that made by burning. If we stop burning to release energy then the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air can drop to a normal background level. Earth's daily added surface heat will then get all the way back into space. Global warming effects can be very quickly reversed.

This needs doing before a massive release of methane from tundra and coastal seabed happens. Methane is a longer-lasting and stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. It can't be put back under the tundra if it gets out.That much methane would turn global warming into a crisis. John (talk) 19:48, 2 January 2020 (UTC)