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the website is to plan about building a dyson swarm put your ideas in but at the end of the name put /wiki/ help stop co2 burning.

Current plan: launch rocket to mercury build unmanned colony with magnetic rail gun shooting out 1 Square km solar collectors. 1 make second 2 create 4 ect ect ect until we reach 30 quadrillion[footnotes 1] solar collectors then we have a Dyson swarm.

Fractint's Stone Soup Group once explained: "Don't want money. Got money. Want admiration". A lot of people are helping to build the world now because of that group. This site partly exists in admiration of those pioneers of shared development.

Jowan is on the parker solar probe

These pages are at present a cocktail napkin doodle suggestion of how to do it. In particular, several of the numbers are best-guess place-holders not cast in stone and there are undoubtedly unknown unknowns. The site invites volunteers to take things forward here to initial feasibility. Thank you for looking.


  1. (john):This is Jowan's original estimate of 100% coverage. The current swarm plan is for 0.001% coverage requiring 200 billion solar collectors, but the original text is left intact.
